Thursday, October 21, 2010

my vba3c after inverted T

i am so thankful to my Lord Jesus, my incredible husband, my amazing doula and dear friend, another absolutely dear friend, and the wonderful doctor who said yes.


  1. Bawling like a baby.

    This is so beautiful. Thank you.

  2. I came from Traceyjay's blog - Congrats & Thanks for sharing.

  3. what a beautiful and amazing triumph. I also remember being told after my 1st lower incision C/S that I shouldn't VBAC, then after my 2nd C/S..pregnant again, I too was given scare tactics about uterine rupture. But it didn't work and I had a VBA2C at the hospital. It still posed challenges being at the hospital, so with my last birth I stayed at home.

  4. thanks ya'll! and congrats Trebor! i would have loved a homebirth, but couldn't find a midwife to take me with my history and scar. but if we ever do this again, we will definitely just stay home. :)

  5. Love, Love, Love your video!!!!!! You still have the sweetest heart after all these years! I am so happy for you:) I wish you the best while going through your training.
