Sunday, October 10, 2010


a client of mine who delivered last week went for a vba3c with a breech baby. she rocks, that's all i can say. she is brave, strong, determined, feisty, and this mama kicked a**. she got to 10cm, but little footling breech baby girl was laying diagonal across mom's abdomen and wasn't budging. the amazing doctor was willing to do a breech extraction, but when he reached up there to asses the situation decided baby's legs were a little bit too "chubby" for his comfort and he was afraid she'd be too big to avoid injury. so after a hard-fought fight, it was off to the OR for another c-section.
seriously, i'm bummed for this mom. she did everything right. she stacked her deck of cards as much in her favor as she could. but it apparently just wasn't meant to be.
and then i came across an incredible term that fits her birth to the T.
EBAC- Empowered Birth After Cesarean.
i LOVE this! and even though the outcome wasn't what we were hoping for, mom's labor was great, and baby got great benefits from all those labor hormones, all that time getting good squeezes from big, powerful contractions, dilating to a full 10cm and showing mom her body does work after all-- all that effort was not in vain, it was productive, and it was good. and mom should feel so empowered for that. i think she does, and i believe she should. she is a rock star in my book!

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